Potenciando el rendimiento | AIAG


Escrito por AIAG | 30-ene-2024 14:45:25

Con el ano 2024 oficialmente en marcha, ahora es el momento de asegurarse de estar listo para la capacitación de Febrero y Marzo, comience a planificar con anticipación.

Utilice los enlaces a continuación para ver las próximas sesiones de APQP, Plan de control, IATF 16949:2016, resolución efectiva de problemas y más, y asegúrese de registrarse hoy en la tienda AIAG para asegurar su(s) lugar(es).

March 4: Control Plan Understanding and Implementing

March 4-5: AIAG & VDA Process FMEA: Understanding and Implementing with Control Plans

March 4-8: AIAG IATF 16949:2016 Lead Auditor Training with AIAG Supplier Auditor Certification

March 5: APQP Overview

March 6: APQP, Control Plan and PPAP- Understanding and Implementing

March 11: APQP/PPAP Certification ExamFMEA Certification ExamMSA Certification ExamSPC Certification ExamAIAG and VDA Process FMEA Certification ExamAIAG IATF 16949:2016 Supplier Auditor Certification - RenewalAIAG IATF 16949:2016 Internal Auditor Training - RetakeAIAG IATF 16949:2016 Lead Auditor Training with AIAG Supplier Auditor Certification - Retake

March 11-12: Understanding IATF 16949:2016Understanding and Implementing FMEA

March 13: Understanding the Heat Treat Special Process System Assessment

March 14: Effective Problem Solving Overview

March 14-15: APQP and Control Plan: Transitioning

March 18: Advanced Product Quality Planning & Control Plan (APQP)

March 18-19: AIAG IATF 16949:2016 Internal Auditor Training

March 20-21: APQP and Control Plan: Transitioning

March 22: Using Baseline FMEAs to Standardize the Identification of Special Characteristics

March 25-26: APQP and Control Plan: TransitioningIMDS Basic Concepts and Application

March 25-28: IATF 16949 3rd Party New Auditor TrainingAIAG IATF 16949:2016 Understanding and Internal Auditor Certification

March 28: APQP Overview