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Version 4 of the CQI-9 Special Process: Heat Treat System Assessment is Now Available at the AIAG Store

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New publication alert! Developed in collaboration with volunteers from OEMs, Tier 1 suppliers, heat treat suppliers, and calibration companies that service the heat treat industry, the 4th edition of the Special Process: Heat Treat System Assessment (CQI-9) is now available for purchase at the AIAG Store.   

The CQI-9 4th edition is a comprehensive audit covering the most common heat treat processes employed by the automotive industry, intended to provide a common approach to a heat treat management system for automotive production and service part organizations.

Now including best practices across many processes and components to share lessons learned globally, the 4th edition also contains new and modified requirements, along with clarifications for the supply organization to consider in making their self-assessment.

Below are some of the changes in the 4th edition:

  • Assessor qualifications for conducting HTSA have been refined.
  • Pyrometry reporting requirements have been updated.
  • RTDs are now included in the thermocouple section.
  • Grace periods are defined in Calibrations, SAT, and TUS sections.
  • Expanded guidance and refined requirements are provided regarding instances in which traditional TUS testing is not possible or practical due to furnace design characteristics (e.g. property surveys).
  • The formula for calculating the required number of TUS test thermocouples for large furnace volumes has been revised (reference Table P3.4.1, Note #1).
  • HTSA format has been enhanced.
  • The Calibration requirement for refractometers has been removed.

For a comprehensive list of all the important updates, please refer to the CQI-9 4th edition itself, which is available in both print and electronic formats, exclusively from AIAG. Click here to check out purchase options and get your copy today!



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