Powering Performance | AIAG

2022 Quality Summit: Session Highlights

Written by AIAG | Aug 11, 2022 10:00:00 AM

If you haven’t checked out our agenda for this year’s Quality Summit, now’s the time! With just over one month to go until our 2022 event kicks off on October 5th, we’re excited to share our event lineup, including the following session highlights:

OEM Panel Discussion

Join James Bruin, Executive Director of the International Automotive Oversight Bureau (IAOB), as he facilitates a panel discussion with Ford, GM, Stellantis, Rivian, Honda and PACCAR, as they answer your questions and discuss high quality parts, high quality people and the importance of their retention, high quality processes and process control, and parts delivered on time.

This is your opportunity to gain insights from the OEMs into how the connection between these topics result in a reduction in the cost of poor quality.

Repairs Data Analytics for Newer NTF Issues due to increased Electrification & Electronics in Vehicle

In vehicle repairs, No Trouble Found (NTF) issues are a big cost driver that potentially increase safety hazards and confound fixing-right the first-time (FRFT). NTFs often arise when component interactions lead to system-level failures, without individual components being the root-cause. Use of existing NTF repairs data analytics (for "systems-level" issues) does not work well for most of the newer NTFs that arise due to new electrification and electronics in vehicles.

Join Ubiquiti Inc.’s CTO Keith Thompson, and CEO, Nandit Soparkar, to learn how they studied the characteristics of these newer NTFs, and how the use of different data patterns can help address and resolve the NTF issues electrification and electronics in vehicles.

Quality Effectiveness and Efficiency (“Why System Audits are Not Driving Change”)

We have institutionalized audits within our organizations to improve the bottom line of how we do business, attain business, and retain business – yet every year we find ourselves evaluating the effectiveness of these audits, only to see that real change falls short.

Customer driven audits, internal audits, and second party audits overwhelm our Quality Management Systems and yet we still see OEM written NC's that indicate we are missing the mark somewhere. So, how should we audit and use the data to effectively address the concerns noted to prevent escapes and implement actions that support a total system review?

In this session, Toni Hollis, Senior Global Quality Systems Manager for Lear Corporation will look at the risk of auditing gaps, and identify how we can reevaluate risk and establish a system that will close the loop of ineffectiveness within these processes.

Driving Zero Defects in Automotive Electronics

New technology creates new opportunities, but it also creates challenges. As vehicle systems and e-mobility increasingly rely on electronics as part of the design, the number of potential defect points explodes. Automotive’s desire for small and lightweight conflict with the desire for high power and flexibility.

In this session, Brian O’Leary, Global Head of eMobility & Infrastructure for Indium Corporation, and chair of the IPC’s EV Quality and Reliability Advisory Group will discuss opportunities for design, material, and process optimization and qualification to achieve high reliability and reach quality metrics while protecting innovation.

Ready to find out more? Head to the AIAG Store now, and be sure to check out details for our 40th Anniversary Party as well, right after this year's Quality Summit