Powering Performance | AIAG

Core Tools Self-Assessment (CTSA) May 2019 Update

Written by AIAG | May 8, 2019 2:54:52 PM

AIAG launched its free online Core Tools Self-Assessment (CTSA) in 2012 as a method for individuals to measure their competency in the four automotive quality Core Tools: APQP/PPAP, FMEA, MSA, and SPC. The CTSA is a timed, open book self-assessment available in eight different languages. With a worldwide reach, more than 11,000 individuals representing 1,964 companies in 78 countries have completed the Core Tools Self-Assessment.

Upon completion, participants receive their confidential scores for each Core Tool, allowing them to measure their competencies and monitor individual improvement.

After reviewing the aggregate CTSA results, AIAG has found that CTSA average scores have decreased since 2017, with the 2019 YTD results showing a decline from 2018 as well. Per the data below, none of the Core Tools are exempt from this decline, as three of the four are at their lowest average scores since the self-assessment launched.


Lacking demographic information, AIAG is unsure whether CTSA scores are decreasing due to an influx of new quality professionals or a lack of Core Tools training. The decrease in CTSA averages does not, however, correlate with the worldwide expansion of the automotive industry, as traditional automotive manufacturing nations have declining CTSA scores.

How do organizations increase their employees’ Core Tools competencies? Training and additional experience is key, but a targeted organizational plan may also be needed to facilitate competency improvement in weak areas. 

In support of such improvement efforts, AIAG can provide CTSA data and analysis to organizations upon request, allowing them to determine and act upon opportunities for improvement in the Core Tools. For access to this data and analysis, please email quality@aiag.org.

For more information and (free!) resources – as well as access to AIAG Core Tools training courses – please visit AIAG’s Automotive Core Tools page at https://www.aiag.org/quality/automotive-core-tools.