Powering Performance | AIAG

ISO 14001 EMS Lead Auditor Virtual Training

Written by AIAG | Jun 23, 2021 12:59:26 PM


Next offered on August 16-20, the Exemplar Global-Certified ISO 14001 EMS Lead Auditor course provides attendees with the skills and tools necessary to become effective lead auditors at their organizations.


Learning objectives for this virtual training include the ability to define Exemplar Global criteria, describe environmental awareness, understand the ISO 14001:2015 standard and environmental legal requirements, practice and apply auditing skills, and much more.

Recommended for those taking on the role of lead auditor, including EMS audit program coordinators, EMS auditors desiring lead auditor status, and EMS planners, implementers, and team members, this five-day training opportunity is one you won’t want to miss!

Simply click here to visit the AIAG store to learn more and reserve your Spot.