Powering Performance | AIAG

NEW AIAG Special Process Assessment Resource Center

Written by AIAG | Jun 14, 2018 2:21:46 PM

Special process components’ quality, reliability, and durability can be compromised by variation in the process itself – and since the resulting defects aren’t easily detected prior to use, faulty components can get passed on to the end user, resulting in field actions and warranty claims.

Created by OEMs, Tier One suppliers, and special process suppliers, the Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG) has developed and published special process self-assessments for heat treat, coating, plating, welding, molding, casting, and soldering.

AIAG’s special process assessments enable organizations to identify areas that need improvement at their special process facilities, and to implement actions that will result in a reduction of campaigns, spills, recalls, and warranty claims related to special process components. By adopting these best practices, a special process supplier can improve customer satisfaction by demonstrating its ability to consistently provide products that meet customer and regulatory requirements.

Ready to take action? Click here to view AIAG’s new Special Process Assessment resource page, and search related training courses, publications, and other information!