Powering Performance | AIAG

New Rules Sixth and IATF Lead Auditor Training Just Hit the AIAG Store!

Written by AIAG | Jun 20, 2024 4:59:32 PM

Looking for training on the new Rules Sixth? Have an expired (or about to expire) Lead Auditor certification and need to recertify? Explore our new quality training courses today!

Overview of the Rules for Achieving and Maintaining IATF Recognition 6th Edition: Designed for those managing internal audit programs and/or communicating with their third party QMS certification body, this one-day course explores key questions from audit program managers, including: 

•    Which IATF Rules Sixth Edition requirements have a direct impact on our QMS?
•    How do I plan and conduct QMS audits using the automotive process approach? 
•    How do performance and customer satisfaction affect the audit program and duration? 
•    What is the difference between (and what are the implications of) a corporate scheme vs. an individual certificate strategy? 
•    How are audit days calculated for my staff? 
•    and more! 

Click here for more detail (including a course outline and upcoming dates) and secure your spot today for our first live virtual session on July 15! 

IATF 16949:2016 Lead Auditor with Supplier Auditor Recertification: This two-day course recertifies participants that have successfully completed the AIAG IATF 16949:2016 Lead Auditor Training with AIAG Supplier Auditor Certification for another three  year period. Main learning objectives include: 

  • Applying audit skills according to the latest IATF requirements regarding the audit process and auditor competence.
  • Connecting the dots between typical internal audit program activities and requirements from Rules for Achieving and Maintaining IATF Recognition Sixth Edition
  • Understanding updates to the automotive scheme to make sure you have the latest information to aid in your external and internal audits.
  • Preparing for the Lead Auditor and Supplier Auditor recertification exam, which will provide a renewal for the next 3 years on your certification (a new certificate will be released upon successful completion of the recertification exam).

Learn more about this unique offering at the AIAG Store today, and be sure to snag a spot at our first live virtual session, July 11-12!