AIAG's 2018 Membership Appreciation Event Provided Support to Camp Quality

Dec 19, 2018

Last month’s annual membership appreciation event was a success! In addition to being a great opportunity for the AIAG team to connect with our members and enjoy a night out on the town (complete with gaming, food and beverages) the event also provided an opportunity to support an exceptional charity: Camp Quality.

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Core Tools Self-Assessment: November 2018 Update

Dec 14, 2018

In 2012, AIAG introduced the Core Tools Self-Assessment (CTSA) as a means to measure an individual’s Core Tools proficiency and identify areas for improvement. The CTSA is a timed, open book self-assessment that covers APQP/PPAP, FMEA, MSA and SPC and is offered in eight different languages.  Exam questions are tied to the proctored Core Tools certification exams offered by AIAG.

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Free Supply Chain Assessment Alert – Test Your Knowledge Today!

Dec 06, 2018

AIAG’s newest Supply Chain self-assessment is here! Are you a Finished Vehicle Logistics (FVL) expert? Find out with our new Finished Vehicle Logistics Knowledge Assessment, now available for FREE at the AIAG Store.

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What to Expect From New Brazilian President-Elect Jair Bolsonaro in Terms of Trade Policies

Dec 06, 2018

It is widely known that Brazil is one of the most difficult countries in the world when it comes to moving goods and services into its borders. If you have ever tried to export to Brazil, then you are very familiar with the endless amount of paperwork and red tape that is required for your company’s imports. Brazil not only has some of the highest duty rates in the world, but also has some of the most stringent documentation requirements – for example commercial invoices must be signed in blue ink. In addition, Brazil is heavily dependent on roads, since they lack railways, causing endless bottlenecks when it comes to transporting goods.

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Don’t Miss These End of Year Trainings!

Nov 21, 2018

Still have money left in the budget for training? Been putting off a class you need to take? It’s not too late! AIAG offers classes through mid-December -- and we're back at it again in mid-January 2019. 

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NEW CQI-20 Problem Solving Document Available!

Nov 06, 2018

In a ground-breaking automotive quality survey conducted by AIAG in collaboration with Deloitte Consulting, problem solving was identified as one of the most critical issues impacting quality for the global automotive industry.

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Revised Basics of Export Compliance Publication Now Available!

Nov 01, 2018

A newly updated version of the TC-7 publication, Basics of Export Compliance, is now available for purchase at the AIAG store!

The world of export compliance is constantly changing as new regulations take effect and existing regulations shift, emphasizing the need to stay sharp and in control of your program.

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Stakeholder Review for AIAG’s Traceability Guideline (CQI-28) Ends October 17!

Oct 11, 2018

AIAG’s Traceability Guideline draft, identified as CQI-28, is currently available for stakeholder review through October 17, 2018.

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Traceability guideline (CQI-28) now available for Stakeholder Review

Sep 18, 2018

AIAG’s Traceability Workgroup is proud to announce that its new Traceability Guideline, identified as CQI-28, is now available for stakeholder review. Created by a cross-functional and multi-organizational workgroup, the document contains guidance to meeting IATF 16949 traceability requirements, presents a basis for traceability methods and technologies relevant to the automotive industry and concludes with a self-assessment and fire drill forms. Additionally, best practices – and in some cases “bad practices” – are presented to guide and inspire thought for organizations that are creating or evaluating their traceability systems.

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The New CQI-20:Effective Problem Solving Guide is Here!

Sep 14, 2018

Does your organization need help eliminating repeat problems and implementing sustainable improvements in your products or processes?

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