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Register Today for November FAE Webinar Recordings


Free for AIAG members and just $25 per person for non-members, our November Future Automotive Expert (FAE) recordings are now available at the AIAG Store!

Simply click the linked titles below to register today, and don't forget to check out our complete list of "available now" webinars  for even more content. 

Embracing the Electric Revolution: Reinventing Yourself to Charge Your Career!:  Originally held on November 9th, this webinar recording features Ford Motor Company’s Product Commodity Manager Armeka Sullivan, and Senior Purchasing & STA Manager Lismar Berro discussing how to embrace the “Electric Revolution” by evaluating your skills of today vs. your skills of tomorrow, and how this can change the trajectory of your career.

The One Thing That Never Changes!: Presented by Marty Colbeck, Director of East Coast Sales at Auto Warehousing Co. on November 15th, this webinar recording explores how experience and an open mind can help you create success by embracing and adapting to change, and how successful leaders appreciate, adjust, and deal with change.  



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