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Secure Shared Data With AIAG’s Cyber Security 3rd Party Information Security Guidelines

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In today’s increasingly technology driven and connected world, protecting data is more challenging – and more critical – than ever before. In fact, according to the World Economic Forum (WEF), a significant portion of cybercrime goes undetected, which only underscores the difficulty of securing sensitive information.

That’s where the new Cyber Security 3rd Party Information Security publication comes in.

Developed at the Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG) with GM, Ford, FCA and Honda, and embraced by Toyota, Nissan, Caterpillar, Bosch, Continental and Manga, the publication provides automotive trading partners with crucial cybersecurity guidelines and best practices.

While individual OEMs may require additional cybersecurity measures, these guidelines offer a unified set of expectations for safely and securely sharing proprietary information, particularly between OEMs and their supplier partners.

Based on industry leaders’ expertise, established standards, and a benchmarking initiative, AIAG’s publication directly benefits both the OEMs and their trading partners. For OEMs, the benefit is in knowing that their confidential and sensitive data is more secure; for their trading partners, the guidelines allow them to focus on complying with a single set of minimum information security expectations.

The consequences of cyber-attacks are devastating, and unless proactive information security measures are taken, the entire supply chain is vulnerable. It’s time to take action against cybersecurity threats. Get your copy today!



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