AIAG provides a unique platform for OEMs, suppliers, government, and academia to collaborate on harmonized global standards and business practices that streamline the movement of product and data throughout the supply chain.
AIAG was founded by Ford, Chrysler, and General Motors in 1982 as a not-for-profit organization designed to solve the industry’s pain points through collaboration. AIAG is the industry – and there is no substitute. AIAG MEMBERSHIP LIST
The Power of Working Collaboratively
AIAG’s mission is to enable collaboration within the automotive and related industries and to provide access to information, education, and the tools needed so our stakeholders can continually improve the environment in which they operate. A seat at the table helps you prepare. AIAG members get a voice when industry standards, guidelines, and processes are developed and debated. There’s no better way to find solutions to your pain points than by interacting with the industry’s best thinkers and problem solvers at the top of their game — and you’ll find these people volunteering on AIAG’s project teams and work groups every day.
You Need a Network
You and your business thrive on contacts and connections. AIAG gets you in the room with the people who can help your company and your career. Gain access to the business intelligence, training, and guidelines that directly affect your bottom line. Only AIAG members earn significant discounts on AIAG publications, Core Tool documents, training, events, technology rollouts, and a variety of free online tools and assessments to address your specific challenges. Calculate how much poor quality is costing your company, access free training on MMOG/LE, gain chemical awareness, understand the latest developments on conflict minerals requirements, start your succession planning, benchmark what other industry leaders and competitors are doing in corporate responsibility, and much more. Get in on the action today. Preparedness will save you money. Give your industry one year of support by joining AIAG today. You win. Your company wins. Your industry wins.