To prepare for the new Trans-Pacific Partnership, North American automotive executives should start thinking about how to approach and analyze the TPP rules of origin issues in the context of other competitive issues currently on their plate.
Read MoreBirgit Matthiesen and David Hamill
Birgit Matthiesen is director Canada-U.S. Cross Border Business Affairs, and David Hamill is partner and co-chair, Canada-U.S. Cross Border Business Affairs, for Arent Fox LLP. At the November 17, 2015 AIAG Customs Town Hall in Livonia, Michigan, Matthiesen and Hamill provided the audience with observations of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement and its consequences for the automotive industry — in North America and beyond. They have been closely monitoring developments during the TPP negotiation process and have published a number of alerts such article, which was published just days before the official release of the TPP text. Its contents are offered here for AIAG readers as it gives an early insight into how the TPP may change the global trading rules for their companies as well as for the broader industry.