Register Now! 2021 IMDS & Product Chemical Compliance Conference

May 19, 2021


Registration is open now for the virtual 2021 IMDS & Product Chemical Compliance Conference on October 19–20, 2021: Transitioning From Compliance and Reporting to Sustainability.


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May 19, 2021


Whether your team is working remotely, back at the office, or somewhere in between, AIAG has the cybersecurity resources you need to help ensure your network is secure moving forward.

FACT: Your web connections are constantly being targeted by hackers for vulnerabilities

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Future Automotive Expert: Challenges in the Workplace of the Future

May 19, 2021


If you missed the latest Future Automotive Expert event, you can still get the recorded webinar. In “Challenges in the Workplace of the Future,” Russ Ortisi, vice president of information technology at AIAG provides insight into the expected impacts and some advice for businesses and the people who work for them in the "workplace of the future."


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Double and Dynamic: How to Enhance the Value of Your Materiality Assessment

May 19, 2021


Progress on harmonizing sustainability reporting standards and definitions hit the accelerator in 2020. After 20 years of discussions and evolving perspectives on what materiality means, who is it for, or whether the sustainability field should even be using the term “materiality,” we see a consensus emerging. 


At BSR, we welcome this consensus. Frankly, after years of debate in our field, this clarity is refreshing!


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Save the Date! 2021 IMDS & Product Chemical Compliance Conference

Apr 21, 2021

Planning has already begun for the virtual 2021 IMDS & Product Chemical Compliance Conference. Be sure to save the date: October 19–20, 2021.

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Free! Copper Mark Webinar

Apr 21, 2021


Free for both AIAG members and non-members, AIAG’s latest webinar recording is now available at the AIAG Store.


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Forced Labor and Human Trafficking: Four Regulatory and Legislative Trends Business Should Watch

Apr 21, 2021

Governments are increasingly scrutinizing human trafficking and forced labor abuses in private sector operations. In addition to the moral imperative to address these abuses, businesses should be on alert given the significant disruptions in supply chains that government regulation may cause, resulting in potential economic, legal, and/or reputational harm. Apparel, food and beverage, technology, and financial services companies in particular should closely monitor and prepare for global regulatory developments.

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Corporate Reporting on the SDGs: What are the Challenges and Opportunities?

Apr 21, 2021


Since the launch of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2016, the role of the private sector in fulfilling the 2030 Agenda has been widely acknowledged, as set out under SDG 12. Yet to assess how companies are actually contributing towards these Global Goals, we need greater transparency on their impacts.


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Don’t Miss Out On the Best Pricing For This Year’s Corporate Responsibility Summit

Mar 25, 2021

Register soon for this year’s two-day event to hear from our incredible lineup of speakers on everything from responsible materials sourcing and reporting prioritization to decarbonizing in logistics, climate change and more!

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Less Than a Month Away! 2021 Virtual AIAG Corporate Responsibility Summit

Mar 18, 2021


This year’s virtual 2021 CR Summit is fast approaching! Have you secured your spot yet?


With less than one month to go, we’re busy putting the final touches on our agenda and looking forward to a fantastic lineup of speakers and presentations for this year’s two-day virtual event.


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