FAE Event: Next Gen Employee Development

Jan 12, 2022


AIAG’s first Future Automotive Expert (FAE) event of 2022 is here! Join us on Thursday, January 27, for a midday webinar on Next Gen Employee Development: How AIAG is Helping Accelerate Their Success, presented by AIAG CEO J. Scot Sharland.


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AIAG’s CR Team Thanks Its Volunteers

Dec 15, 2021

AIAG’s Corporate Responsibility team would like to express its gratitude to our volunteers for another fruitful year. We offer a special thank-you to those who gave so freely of their energy, resources, experience, and expertise in 2021.

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True Transparency Requires In-Depth Reporting

Dec 15, 2021


How can organizations respond to their needs for improved information on sustainability risks, as well as growing external expectations for transparency? And how can more comprehensive reporting help them adapt to responsible business practices?


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Automotive Industry Develops New Guidance for Measuring Recycled Content of Automotive Products

Dec 06, 2021

The Suppliers Partnership for the Environment (SP) and the Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG) today announced the publication of a new guidance document, “Measuring Recycled Content of Automotive Products.”

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CR Team Reflection 2021

Nov 10, 2021

AIAG and its member companies have worked collaboratively over many years to consistently offer new and eye-opening information to assist you and your company. Moving into 2021, our stated mission was to educate, inform, and advance transparency in the automotive supply chain continues.

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New AIAG Work Group Needs Your Participation

Nov 10, 2021

As a member, you have much to contribute, and volunteering on an AIAG committee or work group gives your company a seat at the table and an influential voice in the discussion. The support of thousands of members and industry volunteers working together in a cooperative environment makes it possible for AIAG to create the guidelines and tools that result in streamlined processes and solutions to our industry’s pain points and challenges.

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Only Transformative Net-Zero Implementation Will Meet Our Climate Crisis

Nov 10, 2021


The world’s leading authority on climate science, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) had not delivered a major report in seven years. But the installment released in August 2021 paints a dire picture of our future. 


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EPA Deadline Extended

Nov 10, 2021

On September 23, 2021, the U.S. EPA extended the reporting deadline for health and safety data on 20 high-priority chemicals and 30 organohalogens.

EPA issued a prepublication version of a rule that would extend the reporting and submission deadline for the Health and Safety Data Reporting rule under TSCA. The deadline is extended to December 1, 2021, for High Priority Substances (twenty), and to January 25, 2022, for the thirty (30) organohalogen flame retardants.

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LAST CHANCE! 2021 IMDS & Product Chemical Compliance Conference

Oct 13, 2021

With sessions focusing on everything from regulation updates across the globe (including the United States, Canada, Europe, and Asia-Pacific) and PBT chemicals under TSCA Section 6(h) to the circular economy, PFAS, the Chemical Strategy for Sustainability — and of course IMDS — this year’s event is one you won’t want to miss.

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Two Free Webinars to Increase Your Knowledge

Oct 13, 2021

Register Now for October 26th Webinar on Climate
We’ve added a new webinar to the lineup — a climate-focused webinar on October 26th detailing RE100, EP100, and SteelZero Initiatives. 

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