Practical Steps for Responding to the Coronavirus

Apr 29, 2020

The coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak is causing widespread concern and economic hardship for consumers, businesses and communities across the globe.

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Have You Checked Out AIAG's Quality eLearning Courses Lately?

Apr 21, 2020

Have you explored our Quality eLearning content at the AIAG Store yet? If not, now is the time! With new menu options to help you navigate – including a “Training/eLearning” dropdown category that allows you to select “Quality eLearning” specifically – the updated layout of our store makes it faster and easier to find the courses and products you’re most interested in. 

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Test Your Knowledge with our Free Core Tools Self-Assessment!

Apr 09, 2020

The online Core Tools Self-Assessment (CTSA) was launched in 2012 as a way for individuals to measure their competency in the automotive quality Core Tools: APQP/PPAP, FMEA, MSA, and SPC. The questions reflect information that virtually everyone in automotive quality today should know, and results can be used to verify the effectiveness of your Core Tools training and develop individual or group improvement plans.

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Free NHTSA eLearning Available at AIAG Store

Apr 09, 2020

Did you know that AIAG offers a free eLearning overview of NHTSA’s warranty and recall reporting requirements? The Introduction to US Motor Vehicle Safety Training, developed in cooperation with FCA, Ford, GM, Honda North America, Toyota Motor North America and Volvo Truck Group, introduces the user to NHTSA’s reporting requirements and guidelines for initiating a product recall.

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Free Resources: New Webinar Recordings Focus on Cyber Risk and Insurance

Apr 07, 2020

According to the latest statistics, the average cost of a cybersecurity incident is now approaching $200,000 – and yet, only 31% of small companies have cyber insurance, and 70% said that they have no intention of purchasing a policy.

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Coronavirus Pandemic Hinders Global Automotive Supply Chains

Apr 01, 2020

With the recent passage of “phase one” of a trade agreement between the United States and China and the ratification of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), 2020 was supposed to be a transitional year for the global auto industry. Analysts had expectations that sales in the sector had bottomed out and that growth in China would support the world market, reversing recent negative sales trends and getting back to a trajectory of growth. But the worldwide spread of the coronavirus disease has become one of the greatest tests to the complex global supply chains created by auto manufacturers over the past 30 years and could lead to another downturn in global sales.

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Sweat the Little Things to Avoid Major Compliance Risks

Apr 01, 2020

Creative problem solving is usually a good a thing, but when it comes to customs compliance, overlooking even one little detail can turn those great new solutions into great big problems.

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Judge Forces Insurer to Help Small Business to Clean Up After a Crippling Ransomware Attack

Apr 01, 2020

At least one insurance company will cover the costs from a cyberattack against one of its clients.

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Supply Chain Skills of the Future and How Organizations Can Prepare

Mar 31, 2020

A recent CEO survey by Gartner1 cited “lack of appropriate talent and capability” as the top most inhibitor to a company’s digital progress. Supply chain organizations are no exception. The gap between the skills needed to compete in an increasingly digital world and those available in the organization is widening. Rise in robotics, algorithmic intelligence, and cloud computing is making an entire generation of supply chain professionals increasingly obsolete. These technologies are hollowing out the middle of the jobs’ spectrum, pushing the humans to the edges requiring extreme physical or cognitive dexterity.

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Free Cyber Knowledge Self-Assessment Now Available!

Mar 27, 2020

Ready to check your cybersecurity knowledge? Our newest online offering – the AIAG Basic Cyber Knowledge Self-Assessment – is now available for FREE at the AIAG Store! 

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