AIAG Announces Scholarship in Remembrance of Joel Karczewski

Feb 07, 2019

In remembrance of our esteemed colleague, Joel Karczewski – AIAG’s vice president of commercial services through December 2018 – AIAG has announced a scholarship opportunity for students enrolling in the Auto Industry Certificate in Purchasing and Supply Chain Management program.

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Supply Chain 2025 Survey Update

Jan 10, 2019

Last August we announced the kickoff of the Supply Chain 2025 industry survey project in partnership with Thomson Reuters; today, we’re excited to share that the first stage – interview-based discussions in Asia – has been completed!

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Free Supply Chain Assessment Alert – Test Your Knowledge Today!

Dec 06, 2018

AIAG’s newest Supply Chain self-assessment is here! Are you a Finished Vehicle Logistics (FVL) expert? Find out with our new Finished Vehicle Logistics Knowledge Assessment, now available for FREE at the AIAG Store.

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What to Expect From New Brazilian President-Elect Jair Bolsonaro in Terms of Trade Policies

Dec 06, 2018

It is widely known that Brazil is one of the most difficult countries in the world when it comes to moving goods and services into its borders. If you have ever tried to export to Brazil, then you are very familiar with the endless amount of paperwork and red tape that is required for your company’s imports. Brazil not only has some of the highest duty rates in the world, but also has some of the most stringent documentation requirements – for example commercial invoices must be signed in blue ink. In addition, Brazil is heavily dependent on roads, since they lack railways, causing endless bottlenecks when it comes to transporting goods.

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Revised Basics of Export Compliance Publication Now Available!

Nov 01, 2018

A newly updated version of the TC-7 publication, Basics of Export Compliance, is now available for purchase at the AIAG store!

The world of export compliance is constantly changing as new regulations take effect and existing regulations shift, emphasizing the need to stay sharp and in control of your program.

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TCD Scholarships Support Auto Industry Students

Sep 06, 2018

It’s been a banner year for The Transportation Club of Detroit (TCD)! Two of AIAG’s leaders in Supply Chain Management – who are also on the board of this industry organization – recently revealed that the TCD will be awarding a record total of $25,000 in scholarships to seven well-deserving university students this year.

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AIAG’s Supply Chain 2025 Survey Project is in the Works

Aug 10, 2018

It’s official…AIAG has kicked off the Supply Chain 2025 industry survey project in partnership with Thomson Reuters! Beginning with interview-based discussions in Asia, followed by interviews in Europe and North America, the goal of this collaborative and far-reaching survey effort is to better understand “top of mind” concerns and subsequently areas of future strategic focus for industry leaders in different regions.

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Don’t Miss These Supply Chain Events!

Aug 10, 2018

The second annual AIAG/SCAC Supply Chain and Quality Conference kicks off in less than one month – have you reserved your seat yet? If not, now’s the time to take a second look at this unique event taking place in beautiful Charleston, South Carolina! Read on for three great reasons you won’t want to miss out:  

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Under the Magnifying Glass: Supply Chain Publications

Aug 10, 2018

Several of AIAG’s established Supply Chain documents are being revised! The Intercontinental Pallet and Carton Standard (RC-12), and the Basics of Export Compliance publication (TC-7) are both in the final revision phase to ensure the information provided is as up-to-date and relevant as possible.

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Conestoga College Supply Chain Excellence Symposium 2018

Aug 10, 2018

Industry event alert! Located just a few hours outside of Metro Detroit (in Ontario, Canada), Conestoga College is hosting a Supply Chain Excellence Symposium on Thursday, October 25, 2018. Read on for more details, as a well as a special note from the director of the Magna Centre for Supply Chain Excellence at Conestoga College!

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