Allen: ‘Suppliers Responsible for Contraband They Unknowingly Bring Into the Country’

Feb 03, 2016

At AIAG’s Customs Town Hall event in Livonia, Michigan, on November 17, 2015, Paul Allen, manager — trusted traders for Canada Border Services Agency, reminded AIAG members that they are responsible for the goods they bring into and out of the country.

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Blaskiewicz: ‘To Prepare for ACE, Find Out Where Your Data Lives’

Feb 03, 2016

In preparation for the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE), Joseph Blaskiewicz is advising AIAG members to seek out their data now. “There’s lots of moving pieces with ACE and ACE readiness,” he said in a video interview. “Suppliers need to identify what data sources they have and where they need to go for information so that they aren’t scrambling for the new items the CBP is presenting to us. For example, your company may have a different enterprise system that you have to know how to access.”

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Is the Approved Economic Operator Program Now a Business Philosophy?

Jan 07, 2016

Marcela Garcia says that the World Customs Organization’s Approved Economic Operator (AEO) program is “here to stay” and that it is turning into a “business philosophy.” Garcia’s remarks were made during a video interview at AIAG’s Customs Town Hall in Livonia, Michigan, on November 17, 2015.

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Labeling Documents Available FREE for Members!

Jan 06, 2016

Are you being asked by your customer to use certain labeling practices but you don’t know where to find them?  AIAG has the labeling guides and standards you are looking for. Want to hear something else great? If your company is an AIAG member, all three of these documents are available to you for FREE in eDocument version. Take advantage of your member benefits and order your free electronic versions of these three indispensable guides to proper labeling today. 

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Is your company listed in the AIAG Supplier Connect Database?

Dec 03, 2015

Supplier Connect: What is it?

Supplier connect is the industry ‘buyer’s guide’ exclusively for AIAG members to showcase their offerings and capabilities on the leading website for Automotive Quality, Supply Chain, and Corporate Responsibility solutions.

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New FVL Oversight Committee to Guide AIAG Initiatives and Activities

Dec 02, 2015

AIAG is establishing a Finished Vehicle Logistics Oversight Committee to provide FVL representation to the auto industry and those involved in the material handling of automotive vehicles. The FVL Oversight Committee will report directly to AIAG’s Supply Chain Steering Committee.

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TPP Automotive Origin Rules: The New Rules of the Road

Dec 02, 2015

To prepare for the new Trans-Pacific Partnership, North American automotive executives should start thinking about how to approach and analyze the TPP rules of origin issues in the context of other competitive issues currently on their plate.

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Leveraging Risk Assessment in the Automotive Supply Chain

Oct 29, 2015

A wide range of business-critical risks face today’s automotive supplier. Typical risks include material shortages, catastrophic property losses, supply chain interruptions, IT failures, and more. For Tier One suppliers, the lack of transparency and control among sub-suppliers adds to their risk equation. Smart planning is imperative, especially as the globalization of automotive supply processes increases.

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Supply Security Assessment Streamlines C-TPAT Compliance with Standardized Reporting Approach

Sep 23, 2015

AIAG’s Supply Safe Program, hailed as the “next evolution in border security,” reduces redundancy and strengthens security through an united industry effort.

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Ready for MMOG/LE V4 Requirements?

Jul 08, 2015

AIAG’s Global Materials Management Operational Guidelines/Logistical Evaluation (MMOG/LE) provides industry best practices, establishes a common definition of materials practices to facilitate effective communication between trading partners, and is the global standard for supply chain management processes.

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