All new product development projects involve risk. A properly implemented FMEA will help ensure that potential failures have been considered and addressed during the product and process development cycle.
Read MoreMuch like a tooth cleaning at the dentist or a routine oil change on a car, internal audits are a vital part of keeping quality management systems running smoothly. And similar to the dental and car maintenance situations, the skills and certifications of the person conducting the audit can significantly change your perception of the diagnosis. AIAG offers a wide range of training options to enhance the capabilities of your internal auditors, all of which can be held at your facility. Whether internal or lead, AIAG has an auditor certification course for your needs.
Read MoreMake your designs more efficient with AIAG’s Design Review Based on Failure (DRBFM) Guide
Your current design works, but you may be looking for a way to make it more efficient. AIAG’s Design Review Based on Failure Modes (DRBFM) Reference Guide provides guidance on this in-depth analysis process that focuses on engineering changes once a baseline design has been established. It works by analyzing your current design identifying areas for improvement, and defining the impact of the change.
Read MoreAIAG and the Alabama Automotive Manufacturers Association is urging interested attendees to its first-ever Southern Automotive Quality Summit to register by January 15, 2016 to avoid the higher late-registration fee that goes into effect after that date.
Read MoreAIAG’s Quality 2020 study reveals that OEMs and suppliers rank product development concerns among the top four most critical issues impacting quality.
Read MoreHow to Justify a Software Purchase — Step by Step
I recently participated in a discussion panel that was part of the AIAG Quality Summit in Novi, Michigan, September 22-23, 2015. The topic focused on software for quality in manufacturing. The panel included vendors offering software for quality improvement and quality management systems.
Read MoreThe Autopsy Process — a Benchmark in Problem Solving
AIAG’s Effective Problem Solving Leader Guide (CQI-21) helps companies get on the path leading to problem prevention.
Read MoreStandardizing Customer Specific Requirements Represents an Opportunity for Industry-Wide Collaboration
AIAG’s Quality 2020 study identifies automotive pain-points related to customer specific requirements (CSRs) and finds that both OEMs and suppliers have CSR concerns — just not the same ones.
AIAG’s Quality 2020 study identifies automotive pain-points related to problem solving and finds that more than half the industry sees significant risk if problem solving skills aren’t improved to where they need to be — and fast.
Read MoreSep. 22: Effective Problem Solving for Practitioners
According to an AIAG Study released in June 2015, over two-thirds of automotive industry respondents feel their companies are — at best — only moderately capable at problem solving. Here’s your chance to improve this startling statistic.
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